American Economic Journal:
Economic Policy

ISSN 1945-7731 (Print) | ISSN 1945-774X (Online)

AEJ: Economic Policy Research Highlights

Research Highlights Article

Creating criminals?

May 18, 2018
Restricting immigrants’ ability to work causes an increase in financially motivated crime.
Featured Chart

The rise of the state

May 16, 2018
The Great Depression led to widespread institutional changes in the US.
Research Highlights Article

Coal is king no more

May 4, 2018
The AEA interviews Harrison Fell about how natural gas and wind power have led to coal's decline.
Research Highlights Article

Informing physicians

March 28, 2018
Would doctors prescribe different medications if they knew how much people had to pay for them?
Research Highlights Article

Learning to cheat

March 5, 2018
A high school program designed to promote learning incentivized cheating as well.